
Our Christmas Program

Thank you to all those who helped make our Christmas Program possible this year. To Sonny and Kim Rinck for choosing the play and directing it, to Phil Crump for the music, to Karen Nelson for the costumes, to the children who performed their parts so well, to the adults who helped with the singing,…

Life Lessons – Part 2

More important lessons I’ve learned. 7. The worst drivers are always other people. 8. Humanity has yet to devise a method of making yellow squash edible. 9. Bacon is the ultimate super food. It elevates everything it touches. For instance, a baked potato becomes an entrée when bacon arrives. What would a lettuce and tomato sandwich…

Life Lessons – Part 1

I have lived in this world 54 years. I have learned a few important lessons. I want to share a few of those lessons with you. 1. Legos can be used as a torture device. Don’t believe me? Scatter a few on the floor and then accidentally step on them, and you will see. 2.…