Most of us think of ministry as the work done by pastors, missionaries, Christian conference speakers, or evangelists. We rarely think of work done by bankers, lawyers, engineers, or homemakers. We typically believe that those who get their paychecks from a church or other Christian organization are the ones who “do” ministry, while the rest of us are those to whom ministry is “done.” At Calvary Baptist we want to expand your vision of ministry so that you come to view all you do, regardless of your occupation, as what it can and ought to be—ministry that glorifies God and influences other people.

The idea that service to God should have only to do with a church altar, singing, reading, sacrifice, and the like is without doubt but the worst trick of the devil. How could the devil have led us more effectively astray than by the narrow conception that the service of God takes place only in the church and by works done therein.  …  The whole world could abound with services to the Lord not only in churches but also in the home, kitchen, workshop, and field.   ––Martin Luther


Calvary Baptist has several ministries to give members unique opportunities to serve our community.


BackPack Ministry

bakpackMore than 22 million children receive free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program and the National School Breakfast Program. For many of these children, school meals may be the only meals they eat. What happens when they go home over the weekend? For years, Calvary Baptist has been helping children in our community get the nutritious and easy-to-prepare food  they need to get enough to eat on the weekends. Every week bags of food are assembled and then distributed to a local school near our church to feed children on the weekend. School administrators relay the importance of this program to our church throughout the year!

Sisters in Faith


The Sisters in Faith Ministry at Calvary Baptist nurtures the women of our church and our community as they come to faith, Christian maturity and service through interaction with God, His Word and one another. The Bible studies, programs and events will inspire your heart, enrich your life and strengthen your relationships—especially your relationship with the Lord.